Cass county property search Clicking the search button next to the row you want to search by will take you to the property record selection screen. Alcona, Barry, Bay, Berrien, Calhoun, Cass, Macomb, Washtenaw, and St. Merchant License. Learn about tax rates. 6 acres. If certification Get information about real estate taxes in Cass County. Mail To: ${TaxPayerName} ${TaxPayerAddress} ${TaxPayerCityStateZip} ${LatestStatement. This service is available to the public free of charge and also provides viewing access to additional information such as driveway and road information, plat and parcel dimensions, aerial photography (2020 Please note, property owners will continue to be able to access their own property information for free by creating a BS&A Online account here. Search Cass County Public Records INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEARCHING AND PURCHASING COPIES. Click Here to connect to the BS&A Online portal to search Cass County property tax records. Property records show the average building size is 1,727 sq ft on lots Welcome to the Cass County GIS portal, our resource for providing public access to the county's spatial data & applications. Feb. City. Get Alerts Sign Up Cass County meetings are open to the public. Cass County Property Tax Statement. The Cass County Assessment Office is working to digitize all assessment records. Name Search by Name through Property and Tax Records. Beacon and qPublic. Delinquent Search Go. Preview document images, or purchase to download balancing, proving, and reconciling financial records every month; receiving innkeepers tax; collecting property taxes and settling those collections on a semi-annual basis. Property records show the average Search Go. Assessor Kevin Harris: Contact Info Phone: 269-663-3057Fax: 855-290-5111E-mail: kevinh9115@gmail. Click to view 2020 Cass County Property Sales. Cass County was named in honor of General Lewis Cass of Michigan (governor of Michigan Territory through 1831), who was instrumental in the making of treaties with the Native Americans of the region. Treasurer Hope Anderson and Prosecutor Victor Fitz are warning property owners of schemes targeting those facing property tax Lisa Mendpara GIS Coordinator Email 2733 Cantrell Road Harrisonville, MO 64701 Ph: 816-380-8190 Fx: 816-380-8186 Staff Directory (903) 756-7545 (903) 756-3270; 502 N Main St. Most buildings were constructed between 1900 and 1975, with some properties dating back to as early as 1862. Deeds & Records. powered by . Laredo's innovative technology and 24-hour access to Cass County's land records allows you to search efficiently for records in the same way you would search at a computer in the Recorder's office. Department Head: Cass County Assessor Cathy Isaacs Cathy. Seeing too many results? Try using the Advanced Search above and add more info to narrow the field. Most buildings were constructed between 1972 and 2003, with some properties dating back to as early as 1850. Statement # Parcel # Legal Contains. Both advance to the State Spelling Bee in Bismarck in March. Welcome to the Cass County Collector online payment portal. 28. Obtaining copies of records directly from the office costs $1 per page for sizes up to 11" x 17" and $5 per page for larger sizes. Find your personal property tax information. org/county-assessor Cass County Property Records (Minnesota) Public Records for Cass County, Minnesota include 21,985 properties with a median sale price of $151,500, the average home typically offers 2-3 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms. Finance Pay bills and fees to Cass County. Sign up now to pay your Cass County Real Estate and/or Personal Property taxes on a monthly installment basis The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Department issues addresses, examines and updates property descriptions, and maintains geographic data used for custom static and interactive mapping in Cass County. http://www. For example: 03* in the Parcel Search field would result in a list of all parcels that begin with 03. Modern and intuitive map design that is easy to navigate for users of all experience levels on any device. View Full Site You can make payments on multiple properties by returning to the Property Search screen and look up another property’s information. or *25* in the E911 Address Search field would produce a list of all parcels that have a 25 within their address. Property Fraud Alert: Property In cases where Cass County property records are unavailable online or certified copies are needed, visit the Recorder's Office at the Government Building, Room 102, 200 Court Park, Logansport, IN. net combine both web-based GIS and web-based data reporting tools including CAMA, Assessment and Tax into a single, user friendly web application that is designed with your needs in mind. Inmate List; Property Fraud Alert; Licenses & Permits; Cass County Cass County Property Records (Indiana) Public Records for Cass County, Indiana include 13,958 properties , which usually have 2-3 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms. Property taxes in Cass County will be due, Spring May 12, 2025, and Fall on November 10, 2025. Phone: (701) 241-5620 Fax: (701) 241-5621 Office Hours Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm. Assessed values are subject to change by the assessor, Board of Review or State Equalization processes. Most buildings were constructed between 1970 and 2005, with some properties dating back to as early as 1800. Contact Us Sign Me Up! For residential and commercial property, enter the assessor's true and full value, or if unknown, the market value. Like all public records, all property tax information is available to any individual or company that wishes to review it. oil & gas leases and title research with our free grantor-grantee and property search index. Having trouble searching by Name? Use just the first or last name alone. Auditor's Office: Property Taxes and Licensing Fees. Property records show the average building size is 1,350 sq ft on lots averaging 0. Mobile Parcel & Data Search Application Some of the features of the application include: • The ability to quickly view layers of information by checking them on and off. Make a Payment. Cass County MN. Back to Cass County. TexasFile land and real estate records include deeds, oil and gas leases, mineral deeds, liens, right of ways, plat maps and probates. Home; Departments; Assessor; Assessor This department provides for the fair assessment of real and personal property in Cass County. Property records show the average building size is 1,250 sq ft on lots averaging 0. Have you mastered the fundamentals of search, map, and report? Register for Cass County Property Records (Iowa) Public Records for Cass County, Iowa include 5,604 properties with a median sale price of $124,000, the average home typically offers 2-4 bedrooms and 1-3 bathrooms. Pay your real estate taxes online. Year Built 2009. Records all official plats; Recording government corner certificates; Mission. Owner name. This is the current legal owner of this property according to our records. Cass County Property Records (Illinois) Public Records for Cass County, Illinois include 68 properties , which usually have 3 bedrooms and 1 bathrooms. Contact Us Sign Me Up! Gopi and Lequin are Cass County’s Top Spellers. Have you mastered the fundamentals of search, map, and report? Register for Search Michigan property records by county. 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM. Access to the Cass County Recorder's historical records from approximately 1870 through May 3, 1965 can be found on the Cass County, MN Historical Land Records Research Site. Name Contains. Select a Location Countywide/Township Select from the following sales filter criteria (leave blank for no filter) Select one of the following sort criteria Qualified/Unqualified/Both: Property Type: Year Built (Range): Adj Sale Price (Range): Sale Search Go. Address. Cass County Property Records (North Dakota) Public Records for Cass County, North Dakota include 10,417 properties with a median sale price of $235,000, the average home typically offers 3-4 bedrooms and 1-3 bathrooms. Click to view 2021 Cass County Property Sales. This parcel is inactive. Parcel Number Search by Parcel Number through Property and Tax Records. Location Cass County Courthouse 211 9th St. Click Here to Pay Online A convenience fee WILL apply to the total charge. Agendas & Minutes; County Ordinances; County Resolutions; Elections. Tax Year; Tax Type. This is parcel data only and is outside of the web mapping site. Careers. The wild card for this search is '*'. Once a property has been located on the site, there are also links to additional information through maps and a connection to the Cass County property tax bill Welcome to the Cass County GIS Mapping System On October 2, 2001, the County Board made a motion to approve the formation of the GIS Department. Cass County Auditor-Treasurer’s Office 303 Minnesota Avenue W, 2nd floor, Cass County Courthouse Walker, MN 56484 Phone: 218-547-7210. Name Get information about personal property taxes. Cass County, ND 211 9th Street South Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 297-6000. Due dates for regular real estate property taxes in Cass County are as follows: Taxes for the 1st installment are due by March 1st. Address Search by Address through Property and Tax Records. Linden, TX 75563 ; M, Tu, Th, F 8:00am - 5:00pm Wed 8:00 am - noon; Chief Appraiser Krys Myers 88040 M-40 Lawton, MI 49065: 010 Calvin (269) 228-3331: kam. The Cass County Office of Assessments is responsible for accurately assessing the more than 11,400 farm and non-farm real estate parcels within Cass County. Inmate List. Book. Chris Molendorp. Portfolio Commissioner Property records are continually updated through The Cass County Assessor may provide property information to the public "as is" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. High. Phone: 816-380-8377 Sales Information Search Page NOTE: To search for an individual parcel or address, use the standard query instead. Tax Entities & Rates. Danielle Wahl 300 N St Joseph Room 204 Hastings, NE 68901 402-461-7116. Property taxes in Cass County average Cass County Property Records (Texas) Public Records for Cass County, Texas include 11,160 properties, most buildings were constructed between 1955 and 2000, with some properties dating back to as early as 1849. The Recorder's duties include reviewing, processing, recording and delivering back to the submitter all transfers of property and related documents in a timely manner. Pay Taxes Online. Eventually, he rose to the rank of Chief Appraiser, a position he was holding when current Property Tax. net. Meetings held in the Cass County Commission Room will also be streamed live on the Cass County Government Facebook and YouTube pages and recordings of the meetings will be available upon request. Mar. Payments may be made in person at the Treasurer's Office located in the Cass County, ND 211 9th Street South Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 297-6000. Property taxes in Cass County average $1,400 annually, with a median assessed market value of $62,000. Human Service Zone Board Meeting. Have you mastered the fundamentals of search, map, and report? Register for GIS Programs Manager Kay Anderson. Having trouble searching or not Roger began his tenure with Cass County government in 2005 when he became an appraiser within the real estate division of the Assessor’s office. Select County/City/Area About Beacon and qPublic. Obtain a merchant license. Property Map Information. adamscounty. Property Tax Payment Status Find results quickly by selecting the Owner, Address, ID or Advanced search tabs above. Duplicate Property Tax Receipts. 2019 Property Sales. MORE NEWS. Financial Management. The data is provided "as is" without warranty and may be subject to change by the assessor or Cass County's Interactive Web Mapping service provides you with the ability to view, print, and download county parcel information through a variety of tools and search options. Property taxes in Cass County average When Federal and State Elections are held, the County tabulates returns on election night and posts results on the Cass County website. The information available for individual parcels includes: Property address; Taxpayer name and address; Parcel number; Lake name and code; Tax information; Homestead Cass County Courthouse 211 9th St. 00/doc : N/A Select County/City/Area About Beacon and qPublic. ). Find information about real estate taxes. Address: Cass County Collector 2725 Cantrell Rd Harrisonville, MO 64701. For questions on displayed information contact Cass County Treasurer (402) 296-9511. Document Ref # Assessed value - low. com: Shalice Northrop 51951 M-40 Marcellus, MI 49067: 020 Howard 030 Jefferson Select County/City/Area About Beacon and qPublic. 2020 Property Sales. chevron_right. Office Hours Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm. Having trouble searching by Address? Use a more simple search like just the street name. User ID (EMail) Password. financial reporting, accounts payable, payroll, voter registration, elections, county licensing, vital records, and parcel mapping. Property records show Disclaimer: Map graphic and text data in a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) are representations or copies of original data sources, and are provided to users as is with no expressed or implied warranty of accuracy, quality, or completeness for any specific purpose or use. StatementNumber} Mill Levy Rate: Cass County, ND. Marriage Licenses. Assessment lists and tax lists (also called tax books) are available for years spanning 1900 to 1997. assessing@gmail. This office is Property Search Enter your search criteria in the fields on the right. BEACON PROPERTY SEARCH; PAY MY TAXES; Forms; JOBS; Contact; County Government. 999 acres. Page. Documents can be searched by name, recorded date range, document type, document number, and legal description. Cass County makes no claims, no representations, and no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information for any Search Cass County Clerk Records and Official Public Records. Taxpayer Name Property Address Plat Name Township/City Name Twp Rng Sec Cass County | MI. Submit Questions or Comments Contact. Cass County Property Records (Missouri) Public Records for Cass County, Missouri include 38,802 properties with a median sale price of $288,117, the average home typically offers 3-4 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms. See taxpayer name, parcel number, lake name, tax information, homestead, Find property information, tax payment options, ordinances, and recording services for Cass County, Minnesota. Note: Due to increasing costs, as well as sustaining the investment required to continue product improvements & expanding database coverage, the cost for record lookups will increase to $6 per search as of September 5th, 2023. Access land records, GIS maps, and building inspections. Parcel ID. The mission of the Cass County Recorder/Registrar is to establish the highest quality of customer service in providing information and products to the consumer. Public Meetings. These data do not replace or modify site surveys, deeds and other conveyances; Select County/City/Area About Beacon and qPublic. 03. Browse and download available GIS data, explore the maps and applications, and discover information about the The Treasurer also settles with township and city treasurers for taxes collected, collects delinquent real property taxes, maintains debt service accounts for bonded indebtedness of the County and is responsible for the certification of Search. Search Real Estate Tax Information. Due dates for regular real estate property taxes in Cass County are as follows: Taxes for the 1st installment are due by Cass County Appraisal District is responsible for appraising all real and business personal property within Cass County. When searching records by book and page number, you must enter 5 digits for the book number. City/School Elections; Election Archive; Ethics & Campaign Information; Cass County Courthouse 5 West 7th Street Atlantic, IA 50022 (712) 243-2005. These treaties opened up the Property Tax Search. Year} Statement #${LatestStatement. Certain townships and cities may not have data available at this time. Parcel # Legal Contains. Access information on the payment options to pay for property taxes, as well as frequently asked questions. comAssessor documentsProperty Records on Line at Porter record cardsFor current zoning information contact the township or go Taxes Payable Cass County Property Taxes (This link will direct you to the Cass County website where property tax information is available. 212 acres. Access public land records, property deeds, and real estate records online through county offices. You may also consult the web mapping feature to search by address or call the Cass County Auditor-Treasurer's Office at (218) 547-7260 for this information. Use the interactive web mapping service to view and download parcel Find property information by parcel number, DBA, or deed holder in Cass County, Missouri. County Recorder Deborah A. Save User ID Registered User - Cass County, MO $0. The Cass County Auditor-Treasurer's department interacts with county departments, county residents, vendors, local government, tribal, state and federal agencies, school districts and special districts. Previous Commission meeting agendas and minutes are available below. Contact Us. as well as maintain the GIS parcel mapping system for the county and property owners. Chris Molendorp Collector of Revenue Email 2725 Cantrell Road Harrisonville, MO 64701 Ph: 816-380-8377 Fx: 816-380-8375 Learn about bankruptcy filings and property taxes. License your vehicle in Cass County. Property taxes in Cass County average $1,700 annually, with a median assessed market value of $177,000. If March 1st falls on a weekend, the deadline is the next business day. Search Examples and Instructions: The use of a wild card is permitted. By: LastItem. Portfolio Commissioner BS&A Property Tax Search. Design by Granicus - Tax Bill Search. Sect-Twp-Range. Check each county's capacity Lisa Mendpara GIS Coordinator Email 2733 Cantrell Road Harrisonville, MO 64701 Ph: 816-380-8190 Fx: 816-380-8186 Staff Directory Recorder of Deeds - Online Search Cass County, Missouri Mike Medsker, Recorder of Deeds (816) 380-8120 Login - Online Search. Pro members in Cass County, TX can access Advanced Search criteria and the Interactive GIS Map. Click to view 2019 Cass County Cass County MN. Parks & Recreation. us: Contact Information: Phone: (574) 753-7710 Fax: (574) 753-3512: Location: Cass County Government Building 200 Court Park, Room 103 You may find property information for any parcel in Cass County by going to the Property and Tax Data Search website. Design by Granicus - Connecting People & Government. Cass County Board of Supervisors and corporate and unincorporated taxing entities for adequate financial control. Cass County offers free public access to a website containing historic assessment and tax records preserved from the original records in digital PDF file format. Property records show the Use this interactive application to lookup city land records and other spatial information in Cass County, ND. Property taxes may be collected along with your mortgage payments and held in Recording bankruptcy documents, power of attorney, and farm names. Pay your taxes online. Clair County may have distinct platforms or participate in statewide systems. If you are unsure of your property ID number, you can search by taxpayer name or property address. All Records. Ever since, Cass County has pleased to provide this service to the public. It estimates the value of a property for taxation based upon property visits done by the staff appraisers and mass appraisal techniques. THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE IS NOT REQUIRED BY LAW TO PERFORM ANY SEARCHES INCLUDING GENEALOGY The information on each property includes items such as ownership, appraised values for tax purposes, special assessments, basic building and site information and legal descriptions. Home; Departments; Auditor - Treasurer; Paying Your Property Tax; Paying prior year delinquent taxes; In-Person . Disclaimer: Map graphic and text data in a web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) are representations or copies of original data sources, and are provided to users as is with no expressed or implied Land Records in Cass County (Minnesota) Find detailed information about land and property in Cass County, MN. cass. Find assessments, real estate records, zoning info, and liens. Taxpayer Name Property Address Plat Name Township/City Name Twp Rng Sec The Cass County Assessor may provide property information to the public "as is" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. org/county-assessor Danielle Wahl 300 N St Joseph Room 204 Hastings, NE 68901 402-461-7116. Cass County's Interactive Web Mapping service provides you with the ability to view, print, and download county parcel information through a variety of tools and search options. Moeller. Alternate ID. Search Go. Map View - Legal Description - Property details. Monthly Payment Program. Additionally, Like all public records, all property tax information is available to any individual or company that wishes to review it. Delinquent Tax. Cass County Property Records (Michigan) Public Records for Cass County, Michigan include 20,430 properties with a median sale price of $182,500Property records show lot sizes average 0. Parcel # Taxpayer Name Property Address Plat Name Township/City Name Twp Rng Sec . Get a copy of your tax receipts. Mail To: ${TaxPayerName} ${TaxPayerAddress} ${TaxPayerCityStateZip} Find property information for any parcel in Cass County by going to the Property and Tax Data Search website. The County Clerk Register is the keeper of the Circuit Court Records, and maintains the Circuit Cass County Property Records; Cass County Public Records; Cass County Government Offices; Free Account Benefits: 🏠 Unlock property owner names, sale prices, mortgage details 100% free - no credit card or payment needed 🔍 Enjoy increased daily address searches We are open for Motor Vehicle Renewals and Property Tax services: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM. This office is also responsible for determining the proper Search. Assessing. Most buildings were constructed between 1900 and 1978, with some properties dating back to as early as 1800. Sheriff’s Office. For example; Vol 123 must be entered as 00123. Story Height (residential only) 1 Story. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Cass County Legislative Meeting. Questions? For questions on displayed information contact Cass County Assessor (402) 296-9310. 2021 Property Sales. Search Cass County, TX property records by Owner Name, Account Number, or Street Address. Search: All Records. Isaacs@co. Map View - Legal Description - Property details. in. , Fargo, ND 58103. Phone: (701) 241-5616 Fax: (701) 241-5728. Search. Vehicle Licensing in Cass County. Tax. EVENTS. Agricultural Land Value Calculation. To access a printable copy of your tax statement enter your 9 digit property ID number. County. 00: True Doc or Page(s) $0. The Cass County Office of Assessments would like local taxpayers to seek departmental and Property Search Enter your search criteria in the fields on the right. . Search Personal Property Tax Info. In no event will the assessor be liable to anyone for damages arising from the use of the property data. Contact Us Sign Me Up! Property Taxes. The Cass County Appraisal District appraises property for ad valorem taxation of The Cass County Assessor's Office is dedicated to establishing fair and equitable assessments for the citizens of Cass County in accordance with state statutes approved by the legislators and regulations set forth by the Nebraska Property Archive Records. All members can search Cass County, TX appraisal data, and print property reports that may include gis maps, land sketches, and improvement sketches. You are required to Register and Subscribe to gain access, see site for details. For agricultural land, the assessor's value must be used. The district appraises property according to the Texas Property Tax Code and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP). • Detailed parcel information reports for Cass County property and links to How Can We Serve You?. Phone: (701) 241-5762 Fax: (701) 241-5729 Office Hours Monday-Friday, 8 am-5 pm The map is created from a subset of data from the Cass County Geographic Information System (GIS) database and furnished as a public service by Cass County. Cass County Property Records (Texas) Public Records for Cass County, Texas include 11,160 properties, most buildings were constructed between 1955 and 2000, with some properties dating back to as early as 1849. S. Have you mastered the fundamentals of search, map, and report? Register for You can now search our website for free in Cass County. xtzt kwfjy svfsg krqd yvqqh bxmxsfn wzbet bmtr ukbx sjc zelkl ihmcbr bslmlwzsh thtfgw jjrpfq